Oceanography Resources on the Internet
The following is a list of oceanography-related resources that
can be found on the Internet. Exploration of these resources will turn up a surprising variety of information. You may find institutional descriptions, personnel directories, calendar of events, research activities, program summaries, datasets and images available via FTP, technical publications, etc.
Worth noting: Oceanographic research ship information & cruise schedules.
This directory was initially compiled by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library.
In addition, a very comprehensive list of Information Sources about the Internet and
Computer-Mediated Communication is also available.
- NOAA Environmental Info Services
- Global Change Master Directory, NASA's comprehensive source of information about worldwide earth science data holdings. Information on field experiments such as FIRE, FIFE, TOGA-COARE, GALE, ERICA, and OTTER as well as global projects such as ISCCP, COADS, GTE, JGOFS, ALE/GAGE, and FGGE/GARP. Information on international satellite data holdings such as SPOT, METEOSAT, GMS, and MOS. US data descriptions include NASA, NOAA, NCAR, USGS, DOE (CDIAC), EPA entries, along with universities and research centers. Descriptions of data held outside the U.S. are through the International Directory Network.
- Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center archives and distributes data on atmospheric CO2 and other radiative active trace gases.
- US Global Change Data and Information System interconnects Federal agency data and information systems making global change data accessible to researchers, policy-makers, educators, industry, and the public.
- NOAA Global Climate Perspectives System is a joint effort of CDC's Global Climate Laboratory, NOAA ERL's Climate Diagnostics Center, and NOAA's Climate Analysis Center offering global climatological datasets.
- NCAR's Data Archive offering atmospheric, geophysical and oceanographic data.
- NOAA Satellite Active Archive offering data from NOAA's polar-orbiting satellites (ASCII or X Window).
- OCEANIC: Ocean Information Center at University of Delaware. OCEANIC provides data on WOCE (World Ocean Circulation Experiment) and TOGA-COARE (Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment).
- JGOFS Data Object Index: Joint Ocean Global Flux Study.
- JPL Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center archives and distributes NASA data on ocean circulation and air-sea interactions.
- Langley Distributed Active Archive Center archives and distributes NASA data on radiation budget, clouds, aerosols, and tropospheric chemistry.
- University of Rhode Island AVHRR XBrowse for browsing satellite AVHRR imagery.
- SeaWiFS Project monitors global ocean color.
- TOGA COARE International Project Office: Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere, Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment.
- NASA AVHRR Land Pathfinder for browsing global multichannel land surface satellite data.
- Space Science & Engineering Center at University of Wisconsin, Madison. SSEC offers current satellite images and backfiles; current satellite images include global sea surface temperature, Antarctic infrared, GOES visible, GOES infrared, and GOES-METEOSAT-GMS global composite. SSEC also provides information on the McIDAS program.
- Unidata Integrated Earth Information Server
- Scripps Institution of Oceanography Data Index
- Lamont Doherty Climate Group Data Catalog
- Monthly dynamic ocean topography database from University of Texas at Austin Center for Space Research. Gridded dynamic topography heights observed by TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter and corresponding sea level anomalies. These solutions appear in Climate Diagnostics Bulletin but may be revised due to additional data.
- Unidata Program
- The Oceanography Society's Distributed Ocean Data System project
- ESA/ESRIN Ionia 1km AVHRR Net Browser
- El Niño Advisory from NOAA's Climate Analysis Center.
- The Daily Planet weather server
- Florida Institute of Technology weather server
- Australian National University weather server
Ocean Planet Exhibition Floorplan
gene carl feldman (gene@seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov) (301) 286-9428
Judith Gradwohl, Smithsonian Institution (Curator/Ocean Planet)