What the sea wants, the sea will have
anonymous, British Isles
Few occupations carry as much risk, both physical and financial,
as does fishing. Fishermen cope with constant danger and
uncertainty in many ways. Although some may still venture miles
out to sea without a life jacket, and with only experience and a
compass to guide them, relying on luck or fate usually is now
supplemented with a more practical and sometimes legally enforced
emphasis on safety.

You may view the objects in the Display Case or the photographs by
clicking on them.
- Artifacts
- Risk at sea
- Grim Statistics
Commercial fishing is America's most dangerous profession, and
the risk is similarly high in other cultures §.
- Memorials
- With loss at sea a certainty, every community has its own form of
- Blessing the fleet
- Rituals
- Ceremonies emphasize the unity of fishing communities,
commemorating losses and celebrating successes.
Ocean Planet Exhibition Floorplan
gene carl feldman (gene@seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov) (301) 286-9428
Judith Gradwohl, Smithsonian Institution (Curator/Ocean Planet)