Squid: The Inside Story
How does a squid reproduce?
It takes two
Females release thousands of
transparent eggs in jelly-like
strands into the water.
Take a close look at a
developing squid, or paralarva.
It looks like a miniature adult.
Males produce long tubes, or
spermataphores, filled with
millions of sperm. Most species
have a modified arm for depositing
these in or on the female. This
spermataphore cluster is implanted
on the head of a female
(Abraliopsis sp.). No wonder
scientists are puzzled as to how
squid eggs get fertilized!
Photo Credits: Clyde F.E. Roper/National Museum
of Natural History
A female squid lays eggs through a series of steps involving
a number of different body parts:
Eggs produced... | Eggs released... | Eggs packaged... | Eggs laid |
Ovary | Oviduct | Nidamental gland | Funnel |

Ocean Planet Exhibition
Smithsonian Giant Squid Overview Page
gene carl feldman / gene@seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov