Cell phones are very popular in New Zealand. A large majority of citizens have both a hard line phone and a cell phone. All cell phones have the same area code, 025, so when you dial an 025 number, you know you're trying to reach a cell phone. Cell phones ring in a pocket, purse, backpack or on a belt. In order to keep in touch with the many people involved with the several aspects of the expedition, especially while at sea, Clyde bought a cell phone. It has been a wonderful convenience; at the same time it has been an annoyance. To turn it off for peace and quiet defeats the purpose of having one in the first place. You can run, but you can't hide! Whenever a cell phone rings, all owners frantically pat all available pockets in an attempt to get their calls. To observe this Makarena-like dance is really comical!
Time difference:
On this trip, more than any other, we have been very aware of
the time difference to anywhere else in the world. The TV
world news program is 7:00AM which coincides with England's evening news
program exactly 12 hours later. Any business calls back to US are best
made before 11 AM for by then its 5:00 PM east coast time. To take
advantage of a full business day back home means making a call at
4:00AM. Monday calls are out, for its Sunday back home!
The expedition has created interest world wide and Clyde has
received inquiries on the phone at all hours of the day and
night with interviewers repeatedly miscalculating the time difference.
Our laptop has EST displayed on the screen which is a reminder
of the time of those were e-mailing. By the time we get a
chance to check our e-mail, its 4:00-5:00AM on the screen.
Smithsonian Giant Squid Overview Page
gene carl feldman / gene@seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov